Margaret Byrd Rawson Institute
The Margaret Byrd Rawson Institute (MBRI) is dedicated to improving the lives of dyslexic children. Margaret was a true pioneer and leader in education, influenced not only Frederick County and the State of Maryland, but impacted the nation and the world in her lifelong efforts to improve the quality of education for all children. Margaret passed away at the age of 102, but throughout her life, she applied her knowledge, wisdom, and teaching to all who crossed her path. Before Margaret passed away in 2001, she and her co-founders established the Margaret Byrd Rawson Institute whose dedicated mission is to educate students, parents, and teachers on best practices to crack the reading code. Her dream has come true in the unfolding of her free online Institute. May the stone she has cast forward, a ripple in good works throughout time in all of us, in service to all children, and particularly those who struggle to learn to read.