Kamali’i Foster Family Agency
Kamali’i FFA was established in 1998. missionsion is to provide foster youth and young adults with quality trained resource families while empowering youth to be positive participants in their community. KFFA envisions a future where… Families are supported in keeping children safe and healthy while empowering youth for future success. KFFA has been committed to recruiting, training, and providing services to foster parents so that they can be best prepared to work with, and care for, and incredibly vulnerable population of youth that has been removed from their families due to issues of abuse and neglect. KFFA has recently expanded its services and outreach to include Mental Health services via the Kamali’i Counseling center as well as a Transitional Housing Program (THP). KFFA’s THP assists former foster youth ages 18-24 with obtaining housing, increasing life skills, job training, higher education opportunities, etc., with the hope that the youth transition into independent living successfully.