Jake’s Diapers
Life is full of decisions, and sometimes it’s hard to imagine the choices many families are forced to make on a regular basis. Jake’s Diapers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the basic need of diapers to babies, children, and adults in extreme poverty, whose caregivers have to choose between food and diapers. Diaper need is a common yet often overlooked issue, affecting 1 in 3 Wisconsin families. There are no government assistance programs like WIC or food stamps that cover diapers. The impact of an inadequate diaper supply is devastating both emotionally and physically for caregiver and child. Working through partner agencies, Jake’s Diapers is living out its mission and wiping out diaper need recognizing both cloth and disposable diapers as options. By solving diaper need, our partner agencies can focus their time and talent on meeting other needs like food, medical care, and educational programs. All of these efforts set babies up for long-term survival and give them the ability to become productive members of society.