Interfaith Sanctuary
Interfaith Sanctuary is a homeless shelter located in downtown Boise and serves 164 people of all genders, races, religions, and sexual orientation, as well as families with children, by providing safe overnight emergency shelter, a warm meal and practical services to transition out of homelessness. Interfaith employs a team of 12 case managers who help bring our guests’ hope and second chances through support and new program opportunities. Interfaith is home to the new family daytime program that offers social services and early education opportunities for our homeless families with small children and afterschool programs for school age children and their parents. Interfaith Sanctuary’s City of Boise Park & Recreation Work Program is another new program that was added to help our guests with employment barriers get back to work. What started as a part time opportunity for 6 guests has now turned into a 4 day, 32 hour a week job for 28 guests staying at our shelter. We provide a work program case manager, transportation to and from work along with a nutritious lunch.