Idaho Anti-Trafficking Coalition
Idaho Anti-Trafficking Coalition works alongside community members in providing awareness, education, services, and safe housing for victims of sex trafficking. Everyone knows that a house – a roof over your head – shelter, is the beginning place of new life in any community. Without safe housing, services, and action, Idaho is faced with a growing population of at-risk children, youth, and adults who are hiding in plain sight, who are bought and sold for money and pleasure. We are at a critical point in disrupting this ongoing saga of victimization. Our community is taking a bold, powerful step to break the death grip that a trafficker holds on the life of a child – it is called Solace House. It is a safe house designed for minor victims, 11-18 years old. Solace house Outpatient Clinic will provide trauma-informed care and specialty services and supports for victims of any age or gender so that we can put an end to child sex trafficking. Solace House started as a dream for a harbor of safety as our communities invest in this grassroots movement. Through this movement, we can empower the dreams of individuals to strengthen each community in their fight against human trafficking.