Hospice of North Idaho
One in five children in our community are grieving the death of a parent, sibling, or grandparent. Many more are grieving the death of an aunt/uncle, friend, teacher, or other important person in their life. Camp Kaniksu is a 3-day, 2-night camp experience for youth, ages 6-16 who have experienced the death of someone close to them. Grieving youth spend this time with peers who can relate to their experience, grief counselors, and volunteers from our community. We offer this camp as a way to provide kids and teens in grief a safe space where strong emotions are accepted, communication about their loved one is encouraged, and where having fun is a part of the healing process. Throughout the weekend, campers learn that they are not alone in their grief and that there are ways they can advocate for the grief support that they need from special adults in their lives. This camp is going into it’s 7th consecutive year and is held at Camp Lutherhaven on Coeur d’ Alene Lake. This past summer we were able to serve a record breaking 60 kids and teens, completely free of charge to their families.