Heartly House
Heartly House is the only agency in Frederick County that provides community-based comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. Since 1979, Heartly House has been a safe haven for victims and their children. There is no charge for any of Heartly House’s victim services. Services include: A 24-hour crisis hotline for victims and survivors of intimate partner violence, rape/sexual assault and child abuse. An emergency shelter for victims of abuse who are in immediate danger. Counseling services for survivors of intimate partner abuse/violence and rape/sexual assault. 24-hour medical advocacy and accompaniment for victims of rape/sexual assault and domestic violence. These specially trained and certified advocates accompany victims to the hospital and assist them through the forensic exam and interview process. Victim advocacy, whereby our legal advocates offer assistance to survivors as they proceed through the court system. Fewer women and children need shelter as a result of this program because protection orders have allowed more women and children to remain in their homes. Attorney representation for low-income domestic violence survivors. Abuser intervention groups. Awareness education for community, civic and professional organizations. Information and referral services to other community resources.