Family Promise of the Lower Cape Fear
Established in 1996, Family Promise of the Lower Cape Fear/Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Network provides case management and transitional housing for victims of domestic violence and emergency shelter to homeless families with children; while supplying them with the resources and skills vital to regaining and maintaining financial independence. Our transitional housing program for families who are victims of domestic violence is one of the only ones in southeastern North Carolina and has a 96% success rate in helping these families regain their independence through intensive case management and supportive services. This program provides housing & utilities at a cost to them of 30% of their income for up to 24 months so they can heal physically, mentally, and financially, while investing in their own success. We also have our “Hand Up” emergency shelter for homeless families, Rapid Re-housing, New Beginnings financial literacy, and Keys to Good Tenancy programs These programs provide wrap-around services to make a difference in the lives of these families not just for today or tomorrow but for a lifetime.