F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Family, Resource, Information and Education Network for Down Syndrome
Family Resource Information & Education Network for Down Syndrome, “F.R.I.E.N.D.S.”, was reformed in 1999 to be a support and resource group for expectant and new parents of children with Down syndrome. We are a 100% volunteer organization that has grown to provide many additional programs and events to support the claim that our children are more alike than different. It is our mission to raise awareness and acceptance of Down syndrome in our community through education in our schools, medical and business communities, and families. This November, we will be hosting our 10th annual educators’ conference, “Techniques for Success”, where over 500 local educators will spend an entire Saturday learning new and better techniques to help our children succeed in their mainstream classrooms. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. hosted our 4th iCan Bike camp this summer where individuals with disabilities learned how to ride a conventional two-wheeled bicycle. We provide grants to assist our families with medical, educational, and enrichment expenses. Each year, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. awards scholarships to individuals with Down syndrome pursuing high education and students who want to continue their education in fields that will benefit individuals with Down syndrome.