Downtown Frederick Partnership
Downtown Frederick Partnership’s mission is to enhance, promote and preserve the vitality and livability of Downtown Frederick, a national Main Street community. The Partnership has been recognized as the implementing organization for the National Main Street Program by The City of Frederick, the State of Maryland, and the National Main Street Center since 2001 and has contributed greatly to the revitalization of Downtown Frederick through the work of its four distinct committees. The Business Development Committee works to support existing businesses and recruit new ones where necessary. The Design Committee focuses on the downtown streetscape, greening the streets, policy advocacy, and long-term planning. The Organization Committee raises funds and recruits and thanks, volunteers. The Promotion Committee promotes and brands Downtown Frederick. In 2015, the Partnership celebrated 25 years in Downtown Frederick and launched its 2020 Strategic Plan. The plan focuses on bringing more people to live, work, play, stay and connect in Downtown Frederick. The Partnership works closely with residents, business owners, property owners, nonprofits, and the government to improve the economic vitality of Downtown Frederick.