Cookeville Regional Charitable Foundation
The Cookeville Regional Charitable Foundation operates dozens of charitable healthcare programs and restricted patient assistance funds which benefit residents of the Upper Cumberland (and Highlands) region of Tennessee. The Foundation assists roughly 2,000 local patients each year. One hundred percent of gifts donated to the Foundation are restricted to charitable services and programs. No donated funds are used for administration or overhead expense. The Foundation partners with dozens of local healthcare providers, non-profits, county health departments, school systems and first responders in order to reach patients struggling throughout our community. We operate a variety of programs and funds which assist patients struggling with disease, sickness and injury. Established patient-group specific funds include: Cancer, Heart, Pediatrics, Hospice, and a general fund called Caring Hands. Programs include: RAM Clinic, Pink Ribbon (free mammograms), Lung Screening, Community Health, Carmen’s Fund (Free CPR), Art for Healing, Pet Therapy and many others. We assist low-income, under-insured local patients with things (not covered by their insurance) like: transportation, medication, medical services, dental work, groceries and nutrition supplements, specialized equipment, emergency housing, home-needs and other critical items for patients and their families. Often, the Foundation is their last resort for help.