Cookeville Pregnancy Clinic
Facing an unexpected pregnancy can seem overwhelming. It can feel like you don’t have any options. At the Cookeville Pregnancy Clinic, we want you to know that you do, and that we’re here to serve you! We are a free pregnancy help medical clinic that offers pregnancy tests, ultrasound, options counseling, and practical assistance. We offer mobile services in communities around the Upper Cumberland. The Cookeville Pregnancy Clinic opened in August of 1988 and since that time we have helped in close to 50,000 client visits. We have a Parent Education Program where families can earn a wide variety of items they will need for their babies We have an active Sexual Risk Avoidance Education program presented in middle and high schools in a five county area. For individuals who are having difficulty overcoming a past abortion experience, the CPC offers weekend healing retreats. No one needs to be alone in an unplanned pregnancy and because we are here… they don’t have to be alone. One of our birth moms who placed her child in adoption had these words to say. “I don’t know where I would be without the Cookeville Pregnancy Clinic. I’m so glad I found it.”