A Safe Place
A Safe Place, established in 2012, is an empowerment organization focusing on prevention, advocacy, and restoration to assist victims of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. We offer a multifaceted and comprehensive program, each component of which is survivor-led and trauma-informed to leverage our resources for maximum community impact and the sustainable success of our members. All members have access to Direct Support Services and our Outreach Center where trained staff provide complete case management in a safe and inviting environment, allowing members to engage, attend weekly survivor-led girls group, and spend time with staff and mentors. A Safe Place offers two residential programs, including Emergency Housing for up to 90 days in a secure location where survivors receive our full range of support services. Our unique Transitional Housing offers longer-term residence, where each member creates specialized success strategies for achieving personal, educational, and career goals. All residents receive quality counseling and access to educational/vocational training. A Safe Place is committed to identifying and connecting with victims by conducting street outreach, placing outbound calls, and making the hotline number accessible in high risk locations.