Salvation Army Timaru
The Salvation Army in Timaru is the local Corps (branch) of an international movement spanning 135 countries. We are a part of the Christian Church, expressing our faith through a balance of spiritual and social programmes. Our mission is to care for people, transform lives, and reform society. Our work in South Canterbury spans welfare support, for example our foodbank; one-to-one support; anger education; life skills; financial mentoring; along with other church and community events, all supported by our three stores in Timaru, Temuka, and Waimate. We also host an addictions education course, with block courses throughout the year. We are privileged to be in the position of supporting those in our community who have fallen on hard times, while also being able to pass on the generosity of those in our community who currently have the means to give. We are often blown away by the generosity of South Canterbury and are fortunate to be the conduit through which this generosity can reach those who most need it. Through the continued generosity of the community, we are and will be able to continue funding our services entirely from within South Canterbury.