The Sweet Julia Grace Foundation
The Sweet Julia Grace Foundation (SJGF) based in Bristow, VA, supports local families whose children are facing more than most do their entire life. For these children, the simple joys of childhood are often put aside and replaced with hospital stays, therapy appointments, and adapted equipment to meet their special day- to-day needs. Yet these children, and their parents and siblings, remain courageous and resilient in the face of it all. The children served through SJGF are lovingly given the name, ‘Raindancers’, because they are not waiting for their storms to pass before they ‘dance in the rain.’ SJGF’s mission is to fill in the gaps, grant wishes, and meet non-medical needs for children who are seriously ill, have special needs or in a medical crisis. SJGF strives to bring ‘Raindancers’ pure joy by providing them with gifts that bring comfort, happiness, and oftentimes dramatically improves and changes their lives. SJGF also helps these families with day-to-day expenses like mortgage payments, utilities, gas and groceries so they can focus on weathering the storm with their child.