Branches of Valor
Rahnella is the President and CEO of Branches of Valor (BOV), and Chris is the National Director. The Adsits founded BOV here in Eugene in 2011, after having served with Cru Military since 2005. Reboot Combat Recovery and BOV merged in January of this year. Our visions and missions were so similar, we decided to combine forces. Reboot Combat Recovery is the merger’s surviving entity, and they hold the non-profit 501(c)3 status. Branches of Valor remains the local “face” of Reboot. Our main approach is to host Resiliency Groups that enable participants to be better equipped to deal with the stress and trauma associated with their service. Our materials combine best practices from the medical and mental health communities with the timeless principles from the Bible. This “three-dimensional” approach (physical, mental, spiritual), is in line with a growing therapy trend within the VA, the DOD, the APA, and many first responder departments across the country. While Reboot has only been in existence for 6 years, they have created over 100 resiliency groups around the country, graduating over 2,700 from their program. We are currently beta testing an adaptation of this approach for first responders, called “Firstline Responders.”