Bags Of Love
Founded in 2008, Bags of Love is committed to helping children who are struggling with the damaging effects of abuse, neglect, poverty and homelessness. Provided at no cost, a ‘bag of love’ is filled with age-appropriate necessities and comfort items including an outfit, socks and underwear, pajamas, toiletries, school supplies, books, toys and a handmade quilt or fleece blanket. Our goal is to provide a ray of hope and vital dignity for each child during this time of crisis. The need in our community is significant; 21.6% of Lane County children live below the poverty line and 4.7% of Lane County students are homeless. These are staggering statistics, and as a result, the demand for our services continues to grow annually. Over the past seven years we have provided a Bag of Love to nearly 9,000 children living in urban and rural Lane County; over 1,800 were distributed last year alone. Bags of Love is staffed almost exclusively by dedicated volunteers who sew bags and quilts; sort donations of clothing, fabric, books and toys; assist in the office; help at fundraising events and assemble the bags.