Community Benefit Tree
Community Benefit Tree’s (CBT) mission is empower individuals and families to effectively navigate a medical crisis, encompassing finances, health resources, and spiritual well-being. We started as a labor of love after hosting a golf outing in memory of Lawrence Wolfinger who passed away from a heart attack. The committee of the first golf outing gave the proceeds to a family whose daughter was a diabetic and needed a glass eye. After 12 years of donating the proceeds to families in need, Heidi (daughter of Larry Wolfinger) and Karla (wife of Larry Wolfinger) felt the need to help more families struggling with a medical crisis and started the nonprofit. In that time CBT has celebrated the lives of and provided support to over 600 families regardless of age or diagnosis. We create a volunteer team to support the family, train the support team to put on a successful fundraiser, provide counseling and help establish a medical crisis budget, help pay immediate bills, and provide resources and support. We aim to improve their quality of life, cover treatment expenses, and relieve patients from the financial burden that forces them to choose between life-saving treatment and life’s necessities.