Center For Suicide Awareness
The Center for Suicide Awareness, headquartered in Kaukauna, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing support, education, and resources to individuals, families, veterans, schools, businesses, community agencies, and more. All efforts support the Center’s mission of suicide prevention for anyone, or any organization, touched by the tragedy of suicide. The Center provides barrier free, no-cost services including drop-in support groups for veterans, military members and their families, youth and adult Survivors of Suicide, educational and informational presentations on suicide prevention, mental health stigma reduction, QPR training, and more. All efforts play a vital role in preventing the tragedy of suicide in our communities. After recognizing the high number of youth communicating distress over text messaging prior to a suicide attempt, The Center immediately put together a plan to bring a text based emotional support line serving all of Wisconsin. HOPELINE-741741 is the state’s only no-cost, barrier-free emotional support text-based service providing immediate emotional support, resources, and crisis trained responders 24/7, via the most popular form of communication: texting. HOPELINE receives thousands of texts from residents across the state who are seeking support and resources when they need it most. HOPELINE also expanded its service by offering the Spanish version called APOYO.