Love Song Foundation
Our Mission: Impacting lives and raising awareness worldwide through the lens of love. Lindsey prides herself on taking people through a journey with her photography and video diaries. Journeys that allow her clients, their loved ones and the public to remember the smallest details long after the memories fade. The Love Song Foundation is an organization that truly makes an impact in the lives of our clients. Love Song captures priceless moments through the art of photography and storytelling. Documenting many controversial and highly emotional stories and topics makes Love Song unique. We raise awareness by documenting all aspects of life…The good times, the bad times and everything in between. Bringing awareness and support to causes such as: ALS, childhood and adult cancers, stillbirths, Alzheimer’s and numerous others. Love Song caters to the individual and specific needs of each client…No two clients are the same. Monies raised can support but are not limited to the following: Funeral expenses, Hand casting, Heartbeat recordings, Granting of personal last wishes for our terminally ill clients, Counseling services, Medical advocacy, Video diaries, Photography documentation, Out of state services and wishes.