Boise Hive
The Boise Hive is an all-ages substance-free safe space non-profit for local Boise musicians and lovers of music to learn and practice and enjoy music and receive training and behavioral health support in order to thrive. Located in the old historic Cederstrom Custom Recording and Sound building on Custer, the Boise Hive was started with one goal in mind…to reduce or eliminate suicide in Idaho, especially in the performing community. When parents contacted local music industry professionals to sell equipment that belonged to their child who died of suicide, it struck a chord and the Hive was born. By providing employable skills and behavioral health counseling, all community members have a safe place they can come. Programs such as Jam It Out, help veterans with PTSD. Music Therapy Events and Drum Circles encourage all levels to participate. Saturday night community shows give musicians an opportunity to learn how to perform. Youth Jazz Jam encourages youth to play jazz with some of the best musicians in the valley. All these programs are designed to help our community, young and old, have an inexpensive place to rehearse, practice, and belong.