Fair Haven
Fair Haven is Lake County’s Rape Crisis Center. We provide 24-hour direct advocacy services to victims/survivors of sexual assault. Our Direct Services Department provides 24-hour Rape Response Services that are offered to Lake County, IN. This program allows the sexual assault victim/survivor the opportunity to have the support of a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate present prior to and during all medical and legal proceedings and throughout the entire legal and healing process. In 2018, we responded to the 9 area hospitals 113 times and provided 232 clients with 2,097 direct services! In addition, our School Education/Prevention Program that is offered to all schools within North West Indiana provided child sexual abuse prevention education to 39,101 students, parents & staff in 2018 (and to over 60,000 since 2017). We did (and do) it at absolutely no cost to the schools! Lastly, there’s Aspen, our Registered Therapy Dog. Aspen has been working at Fair Haven since she was just 9 weeks old and has grown into a beautiful four-year-old Great Pyrenees/Golden Retriever weighing 93 pounds (on a light day)! She’s gentle, patient and she loves unconditionally. Fair Haven was founded by survivors for survivors and we are here to be their safe port in the storm!