Prince William County Public Schools Education Foundation
Smart Beginnings Greater Prince William (SBGPW) is the only area organization exclusively dedicated to advocating for quality early childhood health and education programs for children ages 0 – 5 years. Working with parents, educators, health providers, and businesses to deliver these resources to prepare children for school and life. The importance of Early Childhood Education cannot be overstated. Sixteen percent of VA kindergartners lacked the necessary school readiness skills based on the PALS assessment. Children who fall behind are more likely to repeat a grade. SBGPW is fiercely dedicated to ensuring that every child in the Prince William region has access to the best possible early childhood experience. Since 2008, SBGPW has worked to: increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education; advocated for public and private funding to support such programs; and help to deliver initiatives in parent engagement, professional development for early childhood educators, health, and literacy. Research shows that investments in quality early childhood education can produce returns as high as $16 for every $1 spent. In short, we need to invest in our youngest children today because tomorrow they will be the workforce, the families, and the leaders on which our future depends.