Marriage Resource Center of Frederick County
Marriage Resource Center of Frederick (MRCF) was founded in 2005 and for over 14 years, has been an integral partner and resource for many in Frederick County. Our Mission continues — Building strong marriages, families, and communities in Frederick County. Our Vision continues – To be a beacon of hope in the Frederick Community by equipping and encouraging individuals and couples to develop strong relationships, lasting and Godly marriages. MRCF has become the “go to” organization in Frederick County for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) explanation and teaching. We’re helping others to understand the origins of their wounds that in turn helps them recognize and heal from these wounds. This understanding helps build and RE-build strong relationships’ areas of focus and action: Marriages in crisis….enhancing marital communication….helping the broken to be made whole, people looking for “the one”….how to BE the RIGHT one….preventing broken relationships Families in chaos….practicing peace in your family….the cycle of negativity stops here, MRCF is proud to partner in this work with many other local NFPs including Frederick Rescue Mission, Family Partnership, Housing Authority, Whole Heart Center, Boys and Girls Club, Nourishing Abundance, S.H.I.P., Community Foundation, United Way, Crossed Bridges, local churches, and many others. Lives are being impacted through MRCF !!!