The Safe Ride Foundation
The Safe Ride Foundation is one of Maryland’s leading organizations fighting impaired driving, both drunk and drugged, within Frederick County and parts beyond. Our flagship program, SOS Safe Ride, is a revolutionary free mobile app that will transport intoxicated citizens back to their homes, but with the added bonus of being transported home inside of their own vehicles. Our county-wide program effectively eliminates the age-old and incredibly careless excuse that drunk drivers often wield, that excuse being: “But I need my car tomorrow”. In addition to the SOS Safe Ride program, we present at virtually every alcohol serving event in Frederick County with our informational anti-drunk driving seminars, which also include absolutely free breathalyzer exams for patrons. Finally, The Safe Ride Foundation also works year round to directly support families in our area who have been affected by drunk driving in tragically unfortunate ways, through both financial assistance grants and victim recovery help. Our mission is create a culture shift in our area, to be the change in our community, and to never allow another parent, friend, or family suffer the horror of losing a loved one to the recklessness and negligence of a drunk driver.