Our Story
The Frederick Children’s Chorus was founded in 1985 on the principle that any child, regardless of training or financial standing, should be able to become the best singer they can be. We offer music education by highly trained leaders and educators at low-cost tuition or financial assistance for those who qualify. We provide instruction in artistry and singing in multiple voice parts, performing complex music, and developing vocal tone, vowel unification, and stage presence. For singers ages 3-8, an age-appropriate introduction to quality vocal techniques, rhythms, and pitch matching in a fun and energetic environment. For singers ages 8-18, advanced training in Kodály-based sight-singing, part-singing, and basic music theory; tiered by age and ability into three choruses. Leadership opportunities offered to high school members include teaching, assisting with classes, and working as camp counselors. In addition to music, our members learn life skills such as time management, organization, communication, increased self-confidence, responsibility, teamwork, and self-discipline. The Frederick Children’s Chorus is a non-audition, all-inclusive children’s chorus where our chorus family provides a safe place for children to come and just be themselves.