Our Story
Since 1986, Make-A-Wish Idaho has been dedicated to its mission: We grant life-changing wish for children with critical illnesses. Powered by volunteers and financed by the communities we serve, Make-A-Wish Idaho’s objective is to make every eligible child’s wish come true. When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. There are four types of wishes granted by Make-A-Wish Idaho: “I wish to GO”, “I wish to BE”, “I wish to HAVE” and “I wish to MEET”. When a child is diagnosed, their world suddenly collapses. They are robbed of a carefree childhood and are forced to deal with realities that no child should have to undergo. Once filled with school, play, extracurricular activities and time with friends, their new reality is a constant string of doctor appointments, frightening and sometimes painful tests, surgical procedures and hospital stays. Research shows children who have wishes granted build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness. This improves their quality of life and produces better health outcomes. Over the past 32 years, the Idaho Chapter has turned dreams into reality for more than 1,500 children!