Our Story
The Foundation’s central purpose and mission are to enhance innovative educational opportunities for students through partnerships with educators, parents, businesses, and the greater community. Our Vision. The Foundation’s vision is to create innovative educational opportunities for every student in the Lake Central School Corporation to better prepare them for our global society. The Foundation believes that enhancing and expanding the learning environment beyond the mandated curriculum offers our students a more diversified educational experience that better prepares them for our global environment. Collaborating (partnering) with parents, teachers, businesses, and the greater community leads to greater innovative and creative educational opportunities for students. Our Board, staff, and volunteers shall be accountable and responsive in addressing and meeting stakeholders’ needs. Our Board, staff, and volunteers shall adhere to the highest ethical standards, including avoiding or minimizing conflicts of interest, in actions taken while fulfilling the Foundation’s mission, vision, and goals. Diversity and inclusivity are the cornerstones to achieving our mission and vision. While honoring the student as an individual and the teacher as a professional, working together as a team they nurture the student’s creative abilities.