Our Story
Camp LOLO is a two-day camp held annually for children and teens struggling with grief over the Loss Of a Loved One. LOLO stands for Loss of a Loved one. One of the many needs that grieving children have is to be with others of their own age with similar grief and loss experiences. Experiences of grief and loss are most often unsettling and even disorienting. The loss of a cherished loved leads to changes in the survivor’s life that are recognized with time. In such a life experience, the grief recovery needs of children can either be minimized by adults or perhaps misunderstood. Alan Wolfelt, Director of the Center for Loss and Transition, reflects that sometimes what grieving children need most from adults is an awareness that it is OK to talk about their feelings and play out their emotions. If their suffering is avoided, denied, or repressed by adults around them, the children can feel very abandoned at a time when they most need the presence of loving adults.