Our Story
WARM serves low-income homeowners in Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender Counties, many of whom are elderly and/or disabled. We also focus on long-term disaster preparedness and recovery. WARM began in 1996 in response to hurricanes Bertha and Fran. Since then, WARM has continued to grow in impact and reach in the community. In 2017 alone WARM repaired 140 homes, making them healthier, safer, and prepared for future disasters. Recently WARM has been focusing heavily on the long-term recovery from Hurricane Florence. Homes that were already in disrepair before the storm took a harder hit. We are committed to sticking with the homeowners in our community and rebuilding them stronger. WARM increases the impact of funding by using volunteer labor for the majority of our work. In 2017, our volunteer hours were the equivalent to 14 full-time positions. Return on investment is extremely important to our mission and our growth.